Charging station
Tesla Wall Connector

Solutions for Companies & Individuals

With your charging station, you’re ready for the future

Tesla Wall Connector White & Black

Tesla Conncetor 8.5 White New Generation
Tesla Conncetor 8.5 Black New Generation

Fuel up your vehicle at home or at your place at work with the new generation charging station for Tesla vehicles. The new supercharger station is designed to be compatible with several models of Tesla electric cars. It delivers 71 km for each hour of charging, which is practical for both individuals and companies, and allows you to tailor your lifestyle to a greater range.

Bornes de recharge Tesla Wall Connector

Tesla Wall Connector - Gen 2 & 3
The most practical charging solution for your Tesla

icone entreprise the plugin company


icone particulier the plugin company


Want to charge your Tesla at a charging station that shares the same aesthetics as your electric car? Then choose a Tesla Wall Connector. As a certified Tesla installer, we can fit charging stations anywhere in Belgium.

You can order your Tesla Wall Connector directly from your Tesla store and we’ll take care of the installation.

Whatever business you’re in

we have a charging solution for you





